Night Swim (2024): The Best Movie of 2024! Because It Is Unfortunately the Only One I Have Seen So Far.

“Night Swim” is written and directed by Bryce McGuire and this is his feature directorial debut. This film stars Wyatt Russell (22 Jump Street, Overlord) and Kerry Condon as a couple who move into a new house, they settle in with their family, and they quickly become accustomed to their surroundings. Only thing, there is a haunted swimming pool in the backyard.

To start things off, this is my first review of a 2024 film. I just saw “Night Swim” over the weekend. I did not get around to it the weekend before as I was a bit busy. But as we cannonball into this review, I thought the idea for this film had potential of working. There have been numerous titles over the years that have used water environments and turned out to be really scary. Look at “Jaws” for instance. Despite the shark looking fake, that movie continues to make people not want to go in the ocean. Shark movies like that one have been a cinematic staple for years. Not many films have lived up to that 1975 original classic, but I cannot deny that even lesser shark movies understand how to make the ocean or sharks scary.

When it comes to “Night Swim,” it is a much different scenario. There are no sharks, and there is also no ocean. Instead, we have a swimming pool. But again, there is potential. If you learn how to swim when you are young, that can be scary. Sometimes there are cases where people never learn to swim. Depending on the direction those people’s lives lead them, it could induce anxiety. I like a good pool. But I am just saying, the potential to make pools terrifying is there.

And I can confirm something about “Night Swim” was absolutely terrifying indeed. No, it was not the pool. It was the fact that the movie somehow released!

Then again, I should not be surprised that we are getting a throwaway horror film at the beginning of January. This is an unfortunate tradition in cinema as infamously consistent as showing all the funniest parts of a comedy movie in the trailer.

I want to be fair though, because this film is directed by Bryce McGuire, and this is his first feature as a director. He has done a number of short films in the past, and for all I know, he has a knack for filmmaking. That said, “Night Swim” is based on a previous short film he did of the exact same name. As someone who has made short films himself, I have often thought about maybe one day turning them into a feature. I made a short film in college that I am still proud of to this day. I consider it some of my finest work as a creator. But part of me wonders if taking that movie and making it longer would sacrifice some quality. I feel like that is what happened here. It’s not like this is a completely new thing. This is not a short film, but take “The Lion King” for example. The 1994 animation was short and sweet. There was no filler whatsoever. So when I watched the so-called live-action remake that came out in 2019, I was not afraid to point out that one of the biggest critiques I had was that the new material, which extended the movie’s runtime, dragged the product as a whole. Longer does not always mean better.

You might be thinking I am pulling these statements out of my butt. You might be thinking I did not watch the original short film. This link I pulled from YouTube may suggest otherwise. Having watched the film, it is very simple in premise and effective in what it is trying to convey. I think as a horror short, it’s not bad. But this new feature inserts all sorts of concepts that honestly don’t work only to make the runtime somewhat reasonable.

It is not that the entire movie fails to make sense. In fact if you want me to be real, much of the movie’s story and structure derails for me mostly in the second half. The first half is serviceable to some degree. The reason why I enjoyed “Night Swim” is because I feel the film did a decent job at establishing Wyatt Russell’s character, Ray Waller, a former professional baseball player. I like the little hints they drop about his backstory. There is also a part of the film where we see him playing baseball with a bunch of kids and that made for one of the film’s highlights for me. I liked the scene overall. It felt rather wholesome, nostalgic, and fun. But as I am watching this film, I got the sense that Ray Waller probably ended up being the only character I was remotely interested in watching. It is not that the other characters were incomprehensible, poorly structured, or the banes of my existence. It is just that when it comes to putting these characters together, explaining their backstories, and what makes them tick, the movie almost refuses to go above the bare minimum. Even in moments where it feels like it tries to, they just cannot stick the landing.

For example, there was a decent subplot about the character of Izzy, played by Amélie Hoeferle. She, naturally, decides to join the swim team, develops an instant crush on this one boy, and that becomes a driving force of the plot. I think their chemistry is in a word, acceptable. It is a fine depiction of puppy love to some degree. But when I am looking back at these characters, some of them feel cliché. Or, I did not care about them that much to recall everything about them upon leaving the theater.

But characters and story aside, I must ask the million dollar question. Is “Night Swim” scary? Kind of. It’s got a few neat tricks up its sleeve. I think the film gets rather creative with what random ideas they could utilize regarding the pool every once in a while. Sometimes that feels inventive. But again, by the second half of the movie, I just stopped caring. One thing led to another where I lost any and all interest in the plot, the characters, and whatever events could follow. When I reviewed “Godzilla Minus One” a month ago, one reason why I gave that movie such high marks is because it knew what to do with its characters. I said a large part behind why that movie was horrifying was because I cared about the characters and did not want them to get hurt. While the story in “Night Swim” makes sense, its characters kind of go off the rails to some degree by the movie’s end. There is a certain flair that they are missing as the movie progresses.

The film features a character named Kay, played by Jodi Long. Knowing what I am watching, I should be shivering during the moments in which she happens to be on screen. But knowing what is happening in the scene in addition the visuals and sound that could potentially make the scene eerier, I am watching it feeling more annoyed than terrified. It reminded me of when I watched “Midsommar.” I didn’t find that movie scary. If anything I found it annoying in terms of how they went about executing certain scenes. I was not amused. “Night Swim” is the first major movie to release in 2024, and as far as I am concerned, the cinematic calendar this year can only go up from here.

In the end, “Night Swim” dives head first and hits the ground hard. The first two thirds are mildly interesting and somewhat compelling. It is not perfect, but it had my attention the whole time. I like the main dad character, but everyone else took a back seat for me. That said, the film is not that scary. There are occasional scares, do not get me wrong. But at the end of the day, there is nothing to write home about. And by the third act, I tuned out. This film is cliché, tonally inconsistent, and I had my arms crossed for a good portion of the runtime. If you are looking for a good movie at the cinema to start off the new year, maybe pick something from last year. I am going to give “Night Swim” a 3/10.

“Night Swim” is now playing in theaters everywhere. Tickets are available now.

Thanks for reading this review! I want to end this post by saying that you may have noticed something missing from me this year. Specifically, my most anticipated movies of the year list. I do not do one every year, but I did them for 2021 and 2023. Sadly, I am not doing one this year. It is a bit late and when I was making one, my head almost burst open because one movie switched its release date as I was making it and I had no idea. So I am just going to say that my most anticipated movie of 2024 is “Dune Part Two.” I will leave it at that. But if you are interested in knowing my thoughts on the movies of the previous year, check out my countdowns for the top 10 BEST and WORST movies of 2023! If you want to see more from Scene Before, follow the blog either with an email or WordPress account! Also, check out the official Facebook page! I want to know, did you see “Night Swim?” What did you think about it? Or, what movies are you looking forward to seeing in 2024? Let me know down below! Scene Before is your click to the flicks!

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