Just What the World Needs, Another Movie Reviewing Moron

Hey everyone, Jack Drees here! You may know me, you may not. No, I’m not that famous sports announcer, he died in 1986 (Google Jack Drees, his Wikipedia page is the first result that pops up). I’m a less famous and assumingly nerdier Jack Drees. As the proud operator of the Scene Before blog, I make several posts dedicated to film. These mainly include reviews, countdowns, and opinion pieces about the latest goings on in the movie industry!

What makes this a blog unlike anything you have SCENE BEFORE? With one new post published each week at minimum, my content is delivered with as much consistency as there is quality. Every post is my own, from scratch. I may not be a master chef, but I can certainly cook up an opinion. I will be happy to talk about the latest new movies, classics, or even deeper cuts. How many people amongst Gen Z can spew a thousand words about Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise?

Scene Before is also the home of the annual Jack Awards, which much like the Academy Awards, presents a series of movies from a year that have had significance on the industry, but unlike the Academy Awards, minimizes politics and celebrity guests (Ricky Gervais, would you like a hosting gig?). The shows include comedy bits, monologues, and an occasional promotion for what’s to come on the blog in the future.

If you want to read a review, go check out your local newspaper. If you want a dose of the Movie Reviewing Moron, follow Scene Before today! Scene Before is your click to the flicks!

Be sure to also check out these other places listed below where you can find me!

SCENE BEFORE FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/REALSceneBefore

TWITTER (DMs open to everyone!): @JackDrees https://twitter.com/JackDrees

INSTAGRAM: realscenebefore

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgdKlYpV2dSOV7hBRuksbQ

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